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Delta Neutral Strategy | Options Concept

Delta Neutral Strategy

This is one of the most important strategies. Here we'll see how Delta can be used for forming a safe strategy. In each and every strategy delta is taken into consideration in order to assess the risk. Before going in depth about the delta neutral strategy some basic assumptions about the delta are given below:
  • Delta of an option (i.e. call/put) increases once the option transit from 'out of money' to 'in the money'.
  • 'At the money call option' has delta as +0.50 or +50%.
  • 'At the money put option' has delta as -0.50 or -50%.
  • 'Deep in the money call option' delta approach to +1.
  • 'Deep out of money put option' delta approach to -1.
  • 'Deep out of money call option' delta approach to 0.
  • 'Deep out of money put option' delta approach to 0.
  • Delta of a 'future' is always +1.

Future and option strategy is formed by keeping the delta value at zero or approximately at zero. For example if we are telling you to buy Hindalco future at Rs178/- and cover the future by buying two lots of 180 put option at Rs5.25 then see how the delta neutral strategy works out.

In the above example assume the interest rate per annum is 12%, implied volatility (which is different from the volatility) is 31.30%, quarterly dividend pay out is Zero and ex-dividend is not falling in the settlement month. Days left to expiry are 11 days. In this case the delta of the 180 strike put option works out to be -0.55 %. Hence the net delta of the strategy is working out to be 1 + (-0.55 x 2) = 0.10 which is very near to the neutral point zero.

In this strategy if the future climbs to Rs 190/- after two days then the trader makes profit of Rs12/- per script on the future position and at that time incurs Some loss in the put option premium.

Net profit will be (Rs 12 - 2 x Rs5.25) X lot size. Since the profit generated by the future contract is more than the premium paid by the trader in the put option; the net out come will be a profit. If Hindalco falls to Rs 165/- after two days of initiating the position then in this case the put option delta approximately -1. And it will be trading at a premium of Rs 15/- or above. Trader makes approximately Rs10/- profit per script in the put option and trader's loss in the future long position will be around 13/- per script. 
Net profit will work out to be (2 x (Rs15 - Rs5.25) - (178-165)) X lot size.

Delta neutral strategy works well in a highly volatile market having greater chance of move in either direction. Demerit of the delta neutral strategy is that it fails to give positive result in a range bound market and in a consolidated market. Trader should watch out for the volatility factor very closely while initiating the delta neutral strategy. If the implied volatility falls below the theoretical yearly volatility consecutively for more than 5 trading days then the trader should exit the strategy by booking the loss.